Lotus flower

Lotus flower
Lotus Flower

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Forgiveness Meditation


Forgiveness is the foundation for all healing. I know that I would not be able to live and love as openly as I do today had I not chosen to forgive.

When we have been hurt, abused, betrayed or feel wronged by another, we carry with us the toxins of that experience. These toxins live in us as anger, hurt, resentment and other negativity that act like an emotional and spiritual disease within us.

You cannot change what the other person did to you. But you can change the effect it’s had on you by freeing your heart, mind, spirit and body through forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean that what the other did was acceptable, but that you are willing to free yourself so you can live as openly as you were meant to. You deserve to forgive so you can be free.

Forgiveness also opens the doors to new blessings of love, abundance and opportunities. After using many powerful meditations to forgive those I needed to, I have experienced wonderful new beginnings and blessings in my life. Here is a mediation I have created to help you release the old so you may embrace the new.

I invite you to first read the meditation and then close your eyes to practice it.

Forgiveness Meditation:
Sit comfortably in a quiet space where you will not be interrupted.

Light a candle and play some soothing music.

Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Feel your belly expand and contract as you inhale and exhale deeply.

Once you feel centered, call upon any spiritual supporters you wish to. These can be angels, a saint, or just your own higher self. Know that you are fully supported as you take this powerful step.

Now imagine yourself sitting in front of a magical pond.

With your spiritual supporters beside you, set your intention. You might say, “I am here to forgive all whom I need to forgive, so that I may be free to live my best life.”

Your spiritual supporters hand you a magical sword. Holding it you feel empowered.

Across the pond, you now see a being walking to the edge. This is first person you need to forgive. Keep breathing as you allow yourself to see this person fully.

You now see all the darkness and negativity between you and the other person. The toxins of your experience with this person have taken the form of a tube filled with darkness, which floats between you two across the pond.

See where this cord is attached to you, sucking away your energy and filling you with toxins. Perhaps it is attached to your heart, your solar plexus (the place of your personal power), your pelvic area (your sexual center), or your pelvic floor (the centre of physical safety and security).

You now look into this person’s eyes and say, “I acknowledge that you (hurt, betrayed, angered, abused, wronged) me. I have been carrying this with me and I am willing to release this for good. I now forgive and release all patterns of negativity between us in all directions of time.”

Saying this, you take your sword and cut the cord.
As you cut this cord, affirm, “I am unbound from you as you are unbound from me. I am free and I set you free. There is nothing unfinished between us now, and all karma is fully healed and balanced in all directions of time. I am free.”

Before this person leaves, you decide to take an even more empowering step. You put your hands together in front of your heart, and slightly bowing your head, you say, “Thank you for teaching me to (fill this in with what they taught you: to be more loving, honouring, respectful, kind, compassionate) towards myself and others.”

As the person bows to you and leaves, you notice the severed cord between you two drowning in the pond.

As the pond devours the cord, it transmutes it and turns it into a lotus flower.
This lotus is you: you have risen above the muddy waters of your experience with that person, and have come through pure, beautiful and untainted.

Feel your newfound freedom and lightness. Feel your mind, body, heart and spirit as light and beautiful as the lotus flower.

Now repeat this exercise with any other person you need to forgive.

After you have forgiven everyone you wish to, and especially those you need to, thank yourself for taking this empowering step on your path of happiness.

Know that there is no need to repeat any old negative patterns as you have learned your lessons with each person and have released them with full forgiveness.

As a final step, imagine yourself stepping into the magical pond, where it cleanses you of any remaining residue, and the lotus flowers infuse you with their healing energy.

After this cleansing, you sit onto a large, sturdy lily pad.

Sit here and centre yourself again. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

To ground this healing in your physical experience, drink some spring water, go for a walk in nature, or take a sea salt bath. Buy yourself some fresh cut flowers and enjoy your newfound lightness.

You are free to flourish.

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