Lotus flower

Lotus flower
Lotus Flower

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Full Moon Releasing Ceremony

The full moon is a special time for spiritual ceremonies. Illuminating the earth, it amplifies our intuition and sheds light on what may usually be dark and hidden from us.

When full, the moon has completed its cycle, representing endings, closure and transformation. It is a prime time to face, bless and release anything in ourselves and our lives we wish to move on from. This could include addictions, harmful habits, painful experiences, unhealthy relationships, worries, fears, even desires we have become too attached to.

Since ritual can be a powerful catalyst for transformation, honing the light and magic of a full moon is an opportune time for releasing the old. Full moon ceremonies are a gift passed down to us from cultures that honoured its mystical power. Pagan and Native American cultures in particular understood the moon’s cycles and created rituals to receive its blessings.

An important element of Native full moon ceremonies is the practice of smudging. This is the act of burning herbs like sage, sweet grass or cedar and allowing the smoke produced to clear negative energy.

Usually in the form of a smudge stick, these herbs are bundled, tied and dried together. As the Natives often set spiritual intentions while making the sticks, they are considered a sacred tool for rituals. You can find smudge sticks at health food or new age stores. If you can’t find a smudge stick, incense is more readily available and will work well too. Sandalwood is especially good for cleansing and purifying.

I practice full moon ceremonies usually at the prime or end of a season or when a full moon coincides with a powerful date, like it did this past New Year’s Eve. I always feel lighter immediately following the ceremony, and start experiencing miracles in the area I focused on releasing within weeks.

Given tonight is a July full moon, it is a great time to reflect on the first half of the year and let any residue from negative experiences go. Here are steps I have used to perform a full moon ceremony that I trust will bring healing and blessings to you as well:

You will need:
· Pen and paper*
· Matches and candles*
· Incense* or a smudge stick*
· A deep clay or steel pot with a lid, or a fire pit, BBQ etc.
· Water to put out fire (of burning paper)
· Spiritual or relaxing music (Native American flute, meditation, etc.)
· Any spiritual symbols or pictures you wish, like a crystal, an angel or Buddha sculpture, picture of a saint – whatever resonates with you
* Always ensure candles, incense, or any fire materials are lit and contained in a safe place and manner

Ceremony Steps:
Find a place in or outside your home where you can see the full moon. Gather and set the ritual materials in this space. If you’re inside, open the windows to let in fresh air.

Set your intention for the ceremony. You can say silently or aloud, “Under the power, beauty and light of the full moon tonight, I release what no longer serves me, and allow my path to be bright.”

Start to light candles and invite sacred beings you feel connected to - God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Universal Love, angels, saints or spiritual masters - to join, guide and protect you during the ceremony. You have heaven’s help no matter what your beliefs and you are always worthy of Divine love and support.

After taking a moment to feel connected with your Divine helpers, sit down comfortably with your pen and paper.

Now think about all the things in yourself and your life you wish to release. Even if you can’t think of everything you can start by writing:

“I am ready and willing to release all patterns of negativity in my consciousness and life that no longer serve me. I thank these experiences for their lessons, and now release them with full forgiveness towards myself and others. I especially release ______.” Fill in the blanks with anything you have been struggling with or want to move on from. Even if you don’t feel ready or strong enough, trust that you have powerful, benevolent forces helping you take this step.

Close the release prayer by writing, “I now surrender all of this in exchange for wisdom, growth, and new beginnings. I let this all go for the best and highest good of all concerned.”

Put aside your paper. If you have incense or a smudge stick, you can burn it now. Start inhaling its earthy, purifying scent and allow the smoke to cleanse the energy around you. Wave the incense or smudge stick around your body and in your space, ensuring you are safe and there are no flying flames.

Once the smoke has permeated you and your space, you can keep it lightly burning in a fire-safe bowl or incense holder and put it out after the ritual.
Now, take your paper, and stand by your pot or fire pit/BBQ. Feeling willing to let go, light the paper on fire with a match and throw it in. Be sure the burning paper is contained safely in the pot or pit.

As the paper burns, know that everything you have written on it is being taken up in smoke and surrendered to heaven. Allow yourself to breathe deeply as you observe the old negative patterns turning into smoke and ashes, for purification and transmutation. Once completely burned, put out any remnants of the fire with water (you can flush it down a toilet later to completely release it).

If you’re outside, breathe in fresh air now. If inside, keep your windows open and take some deep, cleansing breaths of new air. Know that as you have released the old, you are now ready to breathe in new and fresh beginnings and blessings.
Start lighting out your candles and thank all spiritual supporters for watching over you. Place your hands together in front of your heart, and thank heaven, earth and the full moon for blessing you. Thank yourself for performing this transforming act.

Feel and enjoy your new lightness. Know that like the full moon, you are ready to shine brightly and allow your own beautiful Divine light to illuminate your path.